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Adorable puppy awaiting DNA paternity testing, showcasing the importance of genetic verification
Family portrait of a dog family with mother, father, and puppy, ideal candidates for paternity testing
Cocker Spaniel patiently awaits its DNA profile, emphasizing the peace of mind in knowing its true lineage and strengthening the bond with its owner
Mother dog with her puppy, highlighting the maternal bond pending DNA paternity verification

Canine DNA Profiling and Parentage Analysis

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990,00 kr
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990,00 kr
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Canine DNA Profiling and Parentage Analysis


Ordering and utilizing our canine genetic tests is a straightforward process designed to provide you with valuable insights into your dog's health and lineage. Simply follow the instructions provided in the kit to collect a DNA sample from your dog and send it back to our laboratory for analysis.


  • Verified Parentage: Understand your dog's unique genetic heritage and confirm their parentage, ensuring their pedigree.
  • Verified Identity: Secure a unique genetic ID for your dog, invaluable for breeders, registration, and in case of loss.


Follow the instructions provided in the kit to collect a DNA sample from your dog and send it back to our laboratory for analysis.


Results are typically available within 2-3 weeks and include a detailed report on the genetic status of your dog.


How do I collect the sample?

Follow the instructions provided in the kit to collect a DNA sample.

How long does it take to get results?

Results are typically available within 2-3 weeks from the time we receive the sample.

What should I do if my dog tests positive for a genetic predisposition?

If your dog tests positive, consult with your veterinarian to create a management plan tailored to your dog's needs.