DNA test
- The DNA test verifies the presence of 2 mutations of the TBX3 gene responsible for Dun dilution and primitive markings.
- 30 to 40 - hair roots - envelope
- 5 mL - blood - K3 EDTA tube
Turnaround time
- 2 to 5 working days
Why test?
- The DNA test that will provide information for both dun dilution (D) and the primitive markings (nd1, nd2).
Results description
- D/ - Homozygous for Dun. The basic coat colour will be diluted by Dun and primitive markings expressed. The Dun genetic variant will be passed on 100% of the offspring.
- D/nd1 - 1 copy of Dun and one copy of nd1. The basic coat colour will be diluted by Dun and primitive markings expressed. Horse can pass on Dun dilution (50%) or primitive markings without dilution (50%).
- D/nd2 - 1 copy of Dun and one copy of nd2. Horse will have Dun dilution and express primitive markings. The Dun genetic variant will be passed with a 50% chance to the offspring
- nd1/nd1 - Homozygous for nd1. The basic coat colour will not be diluted but primitive markings are expressed in varying levels. The primitive markings will be passed on 100% of the offspring.
- nd1/nd2 - 1 copy of nd1 and one copy of nd2. The basic coat colour will not be diluted but primitive markings are expressed in varying levels. The primitive markings will be passed on 50% of the offspring.
- nd2/nd2 - Negative for Dun Dilution and primitive markings.
Additional information
- Dun is a dominant dilution gene of equines characterised by lightening of the body color, leaving the head, lower legs, mane and tail undiluted.
- Dun is also typically characterised by “primitive markings” consisting of a dark dorsal stripe and sometimes leg barring, shoulder stripes and concentric marks on the forehead.
- Dun is present in many breeds of horses including (but not limited to) Appaloosa, Bashkir Curly, Iberian horse breeds, Icelandic Horse, Mustang, Norwegian Fjord, Paint, Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Quarter Horse and several of the pony breeds